Language School Teachers recruitment



Our Chinese Language school (  is currently looking for teachers for the 2024-2025 school year! We are looking for an energetic, reliable individual who enjoys working with children from preschool -high school age for part time on Saturday 9:00 am -12:00 pm. We have a friendly environment with great staff and supportive administration. If you are willing to join our amazing team, service the Chinese community, and continue to help us grow as our student’s enrollment climbs, please contact (971)357-4525 for an application or send your resume to

Teacher skills and qualifications:

  • Speak fluent Mandarin, ability to read and write Chinese.

  • Acquire a teaching or training degree in education in China or US.

  • Ability to develop lesson plans and successfully instruct students in methods and tasks.

  • Ability to effectively communicate with others and clearly express complex ideas.

  • Proficient active listening skills to understand and adapt to students’ various learning needs.

  • Ability to operate computer and computer software (word, excel, power point, etc.)

  • Ability to track student attendance and grades and present creative lessons.

  • Good organization and time management skills.

  • Leadership skills and patience for working with students of all ages.

    我们的中文学校目前正在招聘2024-2025学年的教师!我们正在寻找精力充沛、可靠和热爱从事学龄前直至中学年龄的儿童教学工作的人士. 上课时间每周六上午 9:00 至下午 12:00。我们拥有友好的教学环境、优秀的教师团队和支持的学校委员会。如果您愿意加入我们的团队, 服务华人社区, 并随着学生入学率的攀升继续帮助我们成长。联系 (971)357-4525或邮寄个人简历到


  • 能说流利的普通话,能读写中文。

  • 在中国或美国获得教育教学或培训学位。

  • 能够制定教学计划并成功指导学生完成教学任务。

  • 能够有效地与他人沟通并清楚地表达复杂的想法。

  • 熟练的主动聆听技巧,了解并适应学生的各种学习需求。

  • 能够操作电脑和电脑软件(word、excel、power point等)

  • 能够跟踪学生的出勤率和成绩并展示创意课程.

