Consider giving your tax-deductible donations to the CCBA.
Donate and help the CCBA thrive and be resilient. Your donation supports funding for:
- Community Annual Summer Picnic at Oaks Park
- Chinatown Gate Renovation Project
- Chinese Language School
- History Museum and Archives
- Chinese New Year Cultural Fair
- Lone Fir Cemetery Ledger translation project
- Dragon Boat Races
The CCBA is a 501(c)3 organization. Your donation(s) are tax deductible.
Note about using GoFundMe: Make sure you adjust your tip from 12.5% to 0%, or whatever you wish to give to GoFundMe for their services.
If you wish to designate your donation to a specific CCBA category or task, please send an email to Oregon.ccba@gmail.com
If you are a Fred Meyer shopper, please consider naming CCBA as the beneficiary of their Fred Meyer Community Rewards program [click here to enroll]. There’s no cost to the shopper and supports worthy causes like CCBA.