CCBA Stop Asian Hate Speech March 21, 2021 | NW 4th and Burnside Blvd | Next to Chinatown Gate
My name is Neil Lee.
I am the President of the Oregon Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association.
There has been historic and Systemic Anti-Asian discrimination in America
- 1882 Chinese exclusion Act thru 1943
- 1886 expulsion of Chinese from Oregon City
- 1887 Hells Canyon Oregon Massacre
- 1942 internment of Japanese in Oregon
- 1950s -60s Covenant’s property titles in Oregon
- 1982 Vincent Chin murder
- 2020 COVID blame china equate to Chinese
- Spike in hate crimes on Asian elderly
- Atlanta killings
Racist Government mandates, Politics and racist leadership rhetoric have fractionized the Asian community, have divided the BIPOC community, have divided the country, to fight amongst each other at the glee of those racist folks who hold power over us.
Enough is Enough
We need to set aside our petty differences. We need to stop the fighting and hate among our own communities and look at the bigger picture.
We need to stop the intimidation, discrimination, the fighting, maiming, and killing of innocent law-abiding ASIAN Americans.
It is time for all of us to stand united Raise our voice and shout out STOP ASIAN HATE NOW.